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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus


Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus

Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus
Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus Sideshow
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus 1969
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus on lot
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus Midway
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus Interior
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This article is about the Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus.

For information about animal trainer Clyde Beatty please click  HERE.

For information about the Clyde Beatty Circus please click  HERE.


1957 was a year of major changes for circuses, the economy had taken a dive in 1956 and circuses suffered through their seasons. In 1957 John Ringling North and Arthur Concello made the decision to leave the Ringling Bros. and Barnum &Bailey Circus tents behind and begin showing in buildings.

Also in 1957 the Clyde Beatty railroad circus was purchased by Frank McClosky, Walter Kernan, Jerry Collins and Randolph Calhoun. The show was moved from rails to trucks and began wintering in DeLand. FL., at the old Johnny J. Jones Shows, (a large carnival) winter quarters.

The partners in the new circus formed the "Acme Circus Operating Corporation", obtained the Cole Bros. title and took the show on the road as the Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus in 1957. With it's excellent organization, experienced and dedicated staff and solid financial backing, the new show became a major player in the circus industry for the next 20-plus years.

The show was a beautiful site on the lot, with it white tents, (new canvas was purchased annually, brightly painted and well maintained equipment.

Randolph Calhoun, passed away 1n 1961, Walter Kernan in 1963 and Frank McClosky 1n 1979. After Frank McCloskey died the remaining owner Jerry Collins donated the show in it's entirety to the Florida State University in 1981 stating his disire to "..benefit people of all ages. I want to preserve the tented circus for children and also to help the students at Florida State.".

Johnny Pugh, who been a manager on the show since the mid-1960 purchased the show from FSU and has been operating it ever since, dropping "Clyde Beatty"from the title and operating it as the Cole Bros Circus.


Aerial Photo of the Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus Holland Michigan 1972
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus, Holland Michigan 1972


Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus on lot wiyh vinyl tent
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus
Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus Winter Quarters Deland, Florida
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Winter Quarters Deland, FL.
Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus Clowns
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus group photo 1996
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