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Famous Circus Performers


Famous Circus Performers

List of famous circus performers and acts both past and present.


A - C
Felix Adler
Fay Alexander
Bumpsey Anthony
Parley Baer
Elvin Bale
Charly Baumann
Clyde Beatty
Ken "Turtle" Benson
La Marina Boyd
Roger Boyd Sr.
Ellen Bradna
Fred Bradna
Bill Brickle
Betty Broadbent
Ernie "Blinko" Burch
Campa Family
Pietro Canestrelli
Mike Cecere
Phil Chandler
Danny Chapman
Sarah Chapman
Jackie LeClaire
Ernestine Clarke
Alfredo Codona
Con Colleano
Antoinette Concello
Arthur "Art" Concello
Chris Connors
Charles Landkas-Coronas
Dutch Crawford
Cristiani Family
D - H
Harry Dann
Frank and Bernice Dean
Pinito Del Oro
Damu Dhotre
Diaz Sisters
Jose Diaz
Kenny Dodd
Eddie Dullum
Gee Gee Engesser
Merle Evans
Barbara Fairchild
Wayne Franzen
Isla Garcia
Cheerful Gardner
Lothar Geyer
Bobby and Rosa Gibbs
Ron and Mitzi Gill
Marvin Girard Family
Abe Goldstein
Lew Graham
Otto Griebling
Billy Griffin
Poodles Hanneford
Struppi Hanneford
John, Mary Ruth Herriott
Eddie Hendricks
Merlin "Shorty" Hinkle
Dave Hoover
Johnathan Lee Iverson
J - R
Dolly Jacobs
Lou Jacobs
Terrell Jacobs
Jimmy James
Paul Jerome
Johnny Jessick
Smokey Jones
Paul Jung
George Keller
Emmett Kelly
Mickey King
Matt Laurish
Lillian Leitzel
Jules Leotard
Fred Logan
Barry Lubin
Mack MacDonald
Peggy MacDonald
Esma Wilson - Maley
Teresa Morales Matchett
Sara Diaz Miller
Stuart Miller
Bird Millman
Phillip Morris
Charley Moyer
The Muse Bros. - Eko & Iko
Lou Nagy
The Nelson Family
Count Nicholas
La Norma
Francis "Slivers" Oakley
Terry O'Brien
Liliane Parbot
The Pedrola Family
Bert Pettus
Michael Polakovs
Dan Rice
John Bill Ricketts
Charles Roark
Billy Rodgers
Harold Ronk
Manuel "Junior" Ruffin
S - Z
Hugo Schmitt
Joe "Skippy" Schmitt
Chuck Schlarbaum
Harry Shell
Mel Silverlake
Maria Spelterini
Spitzer Family
Mabel Stark
Ted Svertesky
Col. Harry Thomas
Vicki Unus
Bubba Voss
The Wallenda Family
Karl Wallenda
Nik Wallenda
Flying Wards
Erma Ward
Herbie Weber
Freddie White
Benny Williams
Gunther Gebel-Williams
Rex Williams
Dime and Connie Wilson
Buckles Woodcock
William "Bill" Woodcock
Hugo Zacchini
Alberto Zoppe


Circus Performers by Categories

Aerial Acts

Fay Alexander
Elvin Bale
Pietro Canestrelli
Sarah Chapman
Ernestine Clarke
Alfredo Codona
Antoinette Concello
Arthur "Art" Concello
Charles Landkas-Coronas
Pinito Del Oro
Ron and Mitzi Gill
Struppi Hanneford
Dolly Jacobs
Mickey King
Lillian Leitzel
Jules Leotard
Esma Wilson - Maley
La Marina Boyd
Sara Diaz Miller
La Norma
Liliane Parbot
Billy Rodgers
Maria Spelterini
Vicki Unus
The Wallenda Family
Flying Wards
Irma Ward
Freddie White
Hugo Zacchini


Animal Acts and Equestrians

Charly Baumann
Clyde Beatty
Ken "Turtle" Benson
Roger Boyd Sr.
Ellen Bradna
Mike Cecere
Ernestine Clarke
Cristiani Family
Damu Dhotre
Gee Gee Engesser
Barbara Fairchild
Wayne Franzen
Cheerful Gardner
Bobby and Rosa Gibbs
John, Mary Ruth Herriott
Dave Hoover
Terrell Jacobs
Smokey Jones
George Keller
Matt Laurish
Fred Logan
Mack MacDonald
Peggy MacDonald
Bert Pettus
John Bill Ricketts
Billy Rodgers
Manuel "Junior" Ruffin
Hugo Schmitt
Mabel Stark
Ted Svertesky
Benny Williams
Gunther Gebel-Williams
Rex Williams
Buckles Woodcock
William "Bill" Woodcock
Alberto Zoppe


Ground Acts

Campa Family
Pietro Canestrelli
Phil Chandler
Con Colleano
Frank and Bernice Dean
Lothar Geyer
Diaz Sisters
Marvin Girard Family
Poodles Hanneford
Eddie Hendricks
Johnny Jessick
Stuart Miller
The Nelson Family
Terry O'Brien
Charles Roark
Spitzer Family
Herbie Weber
Dime and Connie Wilson


Circus Clowns

Felix Adler
Bumpsey Anthony
Bill Brickle
Ernie "Blinko" Burch
Danny Chapman
Jackie LeClaire
Harry Dann
Kenny Dodd
Jose Diaz
Eddie Dullum
Abe Goldstein
Otto Griebling
Billy Griffin
Merlin Hinkle "Shorty"
Lou Jacobs
Jimmy James
Paul Jerome
Paul Jung
Emmett Kelly
Barry Lubin
Lou Nagy
Francis "Slivers" Oakley
Michael Polakovs "Coco"
Dan Rice
Happy Spitzer


Circus Musicians

Boom Boom Browning
Merle Evans
Isla Garcia
Charles Moyer
Chuck Schlarbaum
Harry Shell
Bubba Voss


Circus Ringmasters

Parley Baer
Roger Boyd Sr.
Bill Brickle
Fred Bradna
Phil Chandler
Chris Connors
Dutch Crawford
Harry Dann
Lew Graham
John Herriott
Johnathan Lee Iverson
Jimmy James
Phillip Morris
Count Nicholas
Harold Ronk
Col. Harry Thomas


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Page Updated February 13, 2025